Monday, March 30, 2009

On daughters and bunnies

See, my daughter has been going through this bunny phase…she seems to see bunnies everywhere. They seem to have followed her from Europe to America! So, to make sure this doesn’t get out of hand, I decided she should be able to see herself riding the bunnies and know she is not hallucinating….
That’s how Thiff and the Bunny were born….The whole structure (Thiff’s as well as the Bunny’s – which by the way are independent pieces that can sit separately) is made of crumpled and twisted newspaper – NO WIRES…Very thin wire was used only for the details. The whole piece is approx 18x18 cm (7x7”) and very, very light, which will be good when paying for postage.

É assim: minha filha está passando por uma fase “coelhística”...ela parece estar vendo coelhos por toda parte Parecem tê-la seguido da Europa até a América! Então, para me certificar de que não vamos perder o controle da situação, decidi que seria bom se ela pudesse se ver montando os coelhos e saber que não está alucinando...
E assim nasceu “Thiff and the Bunny”. Toda a estrutura ( da Thiff e do Bunny que, aliás, são peças independentes)foi feita de jornal amassado e torcido – SEM ARAME...Um arame de cobre muito fininho foi utilizado somente nos detalhes. A peça toda mede uns 18x18 cm e é muito, muito levinha o que vai ser bom na hora de colocar no correio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your craetions are amazing! My father loves paper mache and when I was a small girl he taught it to me. At this moment in time he is creating a life size crocodile.